Pixie Ethnicity in Phantasi | World Anvil
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  • wings that fold away so well they are almost unnoticeable
  • must be large enough to allow them to glide
  • natural magic more powerful than that of witches or leprechauns, but with strict rules of trade (must give something to get something) thus making it rarely used by non-criminal/shady folk
  • often great business/trade people

Naming Traditions

Family names

Parents give their children a first name, usually after some natural, valuable thing, such as gems or metals. Pixies do not have family names, but will often adapt the last name Hunter if they are in a pinch and need such a name. Cinnamon Scales Hunter was a witch who discovered and befriended the pixie town. He aided them in creating an infrastructure they desired but were unable to build (due to the high cost of their magic use), and as such they consider him as one of their own, adopting his family name in times of trouble.


Shared customary codes and values

Pixies are very private.

Common Dress code

Only linen is worn in the summer and wool in the winter.

Historical figures

  • Cinnamon Scales Hunter 


Beauty Ideals

Almost all pixies have very dark skin because they come from the mountains without shielding from the sun. The darker the tone, the more attractive they are considered. Wings are typically twice their height and bat-like in appearance. Wings can get wrinkles from overuse (such as trying to fly rather than just glide), which is considered unattractive. Men and women are thin and lean, as that is best for gliding. A fat pixie is considered lazy and unattractive.

Gender Ideals

Both male and female pixies are considered equal. Their bodies hardly differ, too. Women have breasts, but they are very small unless nursing.

Relationship Ideals

Pixies are hardly romantic, but their strict personalities do become softer for those they care for.
Diverged ethnicities

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