Kārdo Item in Peven | World Anvil
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What is the most prolific drug in your world? How did it come to be and what does it do?   Kārdo, a deeply addictive narcotic and stimulant, is known for its ability to dull pain and fear and to induce bloodlust if taken in large quantities. It was first invented by the Orcs to serve as an aid during battle, so that they would never fear death or dismemberment, and they take it in vast amounts every day ever since they reach adulthood. They use it in various forms; as a sludgy liquid (which is occasionally fermented to make extremely potent alcohol), a powder which can be mixed in with food, or in raw blocks. Some even make deep gashes in their bodies and insert Kārdo within, so that its undiluted power may be with them at all times. In all of its forms it is black (in its liquid and solid forms it is very reflective), and it has an intensely sweet odour. Orcs use it in their burial rituals as well, and it is normally taken in accordance with all the great events in one's life.   While it is almost completely harmless to Orcs, it can be very harmful to humans. It can induce deep sleep, hallucinogenic visions,and a state of delirious relaxation. It is even more addictive to humans than to orcs. Due to its ill effects, the drug is banned in most legitimate nations for reasons ranging from religion to pure common sense. However, a thriving illegal trade in Kārdo has sprung up, controlled in large part by the Orcish crime lord Orū Bēshke.   Sabre, and in particular the plateau of Čaaravesa, have become the centre of the Kārdo trade, as the climate is perfect for the growing of Volokārdo trees and it is very hard for the Sabran government to track down Kārdo facilities in the heart of their country. Orū Bēshke's stronghold is rumoured to be located in a hidden valley in the middle of the plateau, surrounded by mountains on all sides. Under the previous King's reign, parties of soldiers were constantly sent into the plateau in attempts to root out the illegal businesses. However, ever since Samuel Zeruaz usurped the throne, these investigations have tapered off. While he publicly denounces the drug, many of his critics speculate that he is secretly involved with the trade.
Kārdo is covertly sold by illegal dealers across the world, especially in the central realms and the east.

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