Adonai Winter Character in Perth | World Anvil
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Adonai Winter

High Priestess, Sage

High Priestess Adonai Winter is the White Sage and the youngest currently active in this age. She joined the Divine Cathedral along with her younger brother at the age of 12. She was older than a lot of the new children and she struggled with the more advanced spells someone of her age and vitality were expected to be able to produce. But she refused to give in to discouragement and her devotion and passion were unmatched. On her sixteenth birthday the priests voted her ready to present herself to the pendants. To few's surprise (and then only pleasantly,) she was chosen by the White pendant. It had been three decades since there was a White Sage and Sable and Russ, the only Sages at the time, agreed that she should apprentice under the High Priest until she had better understanding of her new powers. She never pushed the issue and the apprenticeship continued for ten years until the failing health of the aging High Priest encouraged him to step down, finally granting Adonai the position that was her right as Sage.
The day she took her Oath as High Priestess she was shown the full extent of the Divine Cathedral, including something that would be part of her new responsibilities, something she found horrifying.


Nuetral Good
Icey blue/grey and very keen
Light blond kept always in a dignified twist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, the type that only burns and never tans

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