Anigeoism (spiritual belief) Organization in Perihelion | World Anvil
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Anigeoism (spiritual belief)

Anigeoism holds that rocks and stone are, in some capacity, spiritual entities. It advocates respect for and reverence toward the geology of any given area. It does not forbid mining and excavation, but advocates caution and care in performing these actions. It also holds that artificial rock and stone is a conduit to the 'spirit' of the genuine substance, and therefore an ideal residential building material.   Anigeoism is recognized as the dominant belief system within Landrigate, but it is frequently acknowledged by smaller religions and belief systems throughout Landrigate and combined with them. Landrigate has no official religion or belief system, but its legal and economic behavior reflect anigeoist beliefs. Anigeoism is unique to Landrigans, although similar belief systems exist throughout the galaxy.

Demography and Population

Anigeoist beliefs caused Landrigan policy to favor noninvasive, temporary construction if a layer of cement could not be placed. Due to this, most Landrigan outposts are ideal for rapid reconstruction and modular alterations, and are generally among the least ecologically damaging colonial buildings.
Religious, Other

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