The Tri-Shard Organization in Peridot | World Anvil
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The Tri-Shard

Smuggler group based in Milyth and specialising in smuggling from air ships and into anchor points and then also moving these goods into other cities. Didn't visit jewelled lands, cursed lands and only visited Laxon in small amounts.   Have recently entered the business of slavery and have been selling exotic creatures and humanoids to the ritual land of Ruby and the bases of the jewelled for training and rare materials as well as slave labour for certain factions and businesses.   Anona worked for them for 3 years and is signed to them as a faction she built a strong rapport there and has alot of contacts in that area.   Have made a deal and started working with Anona and the rest of the party and, if the party complete jobs then they will benefit but will not be trusted by other factions for future work due to them being 'tapped up' by the Tri-Shard.


Owned by three 'head smugglers' a tiefling, human and aasimar who claim to be half-siblings. These figures were known to be fantastic smugglers for the mirrored before departing and building their own faction to enjoy a later life of retirement and steady income.

Public Agenda

Publically, they act as stock removal and rotation business but that is only a front for those who wish to get in touch with them for their true purposes of shipping illegal runic shards to blacksmiths capable of working them into magical items.


Fairly wealthy, the faction base more faith in their employees than their equipment and as a result only the cunning, roguish and magically inclined in the schools of illusion and enchantment work for the Tri-Shard with heavy expectations and regular inspections.
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The tricksters

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