The Sway Vehicle in Peridot | World Anvil
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The Sway

The skyship that Brynton Swayde is using for his trip into the underwater ruins to find the 10th level spell scroll. A fine luxury ship devoted to enjoying the travel as much as possible despite it's business. It is decadent with an emphasis on reds and golds.

Power Generation

Acts as a simple ordinary ship in the sea though slower than most pirate and warships due to it's weight and un-needed stock. In the sky it utilises runic energy to propel it through the sky's and carry it on the wind using a mixture of pure energy propulsion and magically manipulating the winds in the sky to propel it.

Weapons & Armament

No weapons to defend and so it is a ripe target to be attacked despite the guards on the interior makes it heavy and a burden and is symbolic of Brynton's naivety in his approach to this expedition.

Armor and defense

Very low armour and if hit by a head on assault with cannons it could be dropped easily.

Communication Tools & Systems

The main source of communication is that of sending stones.


The runelights offer a simple kind of echolocation CCTV in that they can darken and change their light in relation to danger or hostility... it's a cheap alternative to scrying sensors.

Hangars & docked vessels

No escape boats or vessels are on the ship as Brynton overlooked it in favour of luxury, paying staff and the rings of Waterbreathing.
The Sway
I mean it's a one of a kind skyship but then again was loaned to Brynton for this endeavour.
45 Feet
100 Feet
70 Feet
30 MPH
Complement / Crew
Around 15 devoted to running the ship itself, around 15 guards on the ship 12 researchers, 8 bartenders and maids are also included as well as 6 drow men and women for 'favours' and general ship merriment.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
60 (currently at 56)

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