The Jewelled Base Chixton Building / Landmark in Peridot | World Anvil
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The Jewelled Base Chixton

The base the party assaulted in Chixton that was completing skyship productions.   They also seemed to be completing various other experiments that left the base with various strange ghostly sensations when not on the designated roads that also included infusing various soldiers with magic that made them surge with runic magic in the same way Rikas does. It left alot of the soldiers in an almost bestial zombie-like and 'madness' based state that left them subhumans and less efficient as soldiers.   Anona also found one of the barracks before they were burned to destroy evidence with a series of screaming soldiers chained to a bed and staring at a ceiling while alchemists sat in the centre packing away their kit and apparatus. Anona took one of their bags and packed it away on her person.   The central chamber also contained 4 already built skyships and 2 arcane golems that were guarding the area as well as a grate in the ground leading through a tunnel into the building.


The dark gravel ground is filled with strange runic sensations that cause madness and seem to have strange ghostly creatures living within to attack mortals that step there. The walls and guard towers are entirely unmanned.


It is a dark and fairly solid built base that stands tall and looks basic compared to some of the more steampunk focused bases across peridot. Uses stone and wood as well as seeming ramshackle and old in alot of places with rusted metal on top of various buildings as makeshift cover along with guards jewelled equipment reflecting this apart from the commanders and eldritch berserkers.


Was established as a light base to ensure that the five leaves could not have unfettered control of the Chixton area from the Oakwood forest.   It started as a simple base but, due to Chixton's ignorant state and the closeness of the base to Lake Pathos and the source of runic energy there it made the base an ideal destination for the Jewelled to attempt their experiments to get ahead of other factions through various runic experimentations... turning it into a secret base area.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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