Milyth (City) Settlement in Peridot | World Anvil
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Milyth (City)

The capital of the Mainland and the centre of it's inventiveness.   The capital of Milyth is known for it's large population and constant changing ideas, as well as being the place where the hands of the jewels reside to make decisions for the rest of the mainland.   It is themed around the notion of steampunk London with steam and oil being replaced with licensed runic tools.


The centre for the jewelled hands is in Milyth so if anything it is the best functioning vity in the mainland with the largest Jewelled presence but also that is balanced by the heavy presence of other factions in Milyth so there is an equal spread of crime and justice


Heavy Jewelled presence and the walled states of each level of the city ensure it is difficult to penetrate as a force as it is layered and difficult without subversion.... that isn't even including the various runic cannons and turrets in the area.

Industry & Trade

Main industry is its markets, though due to the high population of inventions and materials factories exist devoted to the creation of various runic items and assistances in creations.


The city is set on 5 levels. The bottom level or 'Feeders' is slums and dogetown in short. There are government benefits so see it as a mixture of Brightons homeless population and the rough nature of Dover it is mixed with the mass production runic factories and is also a known hangout for a variety of factions that the jewelled can't look into, the next level is the working quarter where occupants of Milyth can go to their office jobs, this is also where the libraries and various council houses of Milyth reside... it's almost an office quarter at times. the third level is the middle quarter where 'ordinary' people live who can afford to. The houses are high rises and more like apartments and are generally expensive (think London prices) but livable. The second Level is the merchant quarter where you can buy various wares and etc etc. The anchor point for skyships is found here as well as various fronts for better off businesses that can afford it. The top level is where the centre for the hands of the jewelled reside .


It is the capital... it has alot of resources including regular new creations that sometimes hit and sometimes miss.

Guilds and Factions

Most guilds reside here though most notably is the battle for the capital between the Mirrored and the Jewelled


Was built by the 'boy-king' a worshipper of the evoker who believed the city to be a perfect space in which to worship the God-Magi The original city had on wall that held all inhabitants and had a point of its wall with an exceptional tower devoted to worshipping a chosen god-magi (one tower for the evoker, one for the lore master etc etc.)


A variety of buildings have differing desgins depending on levels in the city they are based on
Alternative Name(s)
The Centre
Large city
Between 250-300,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Variety with the exception of Drow and monstrous races due to the HEAVY presence of the Jewelled
Location under
Characters in Location

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