Laxos Greenmeadow Character in Peridot | World Anvil
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Laxos Greenmeadow

The current Ruler of Emerald is a Halfling called Laxos Brightpenny. His family founded the city of Laxos’ and invented the method of drawing runic energy out of the sea to be used for electricity. Something that has shaped the life of Peridot and thus gained them notoriety and power. He is a fairly old halfling with a kind look and wicked sense of humour. He has done his best to leave the running of runic energy to others more qualified and has done his best to devote himself to being a fair and just ruler both in Amethyst and the wider world. His right hand is a construct that he speaks through. Laxos often has a tired and drawn look on his face due to a lack of sleep thanks to him constantly juggling his rulership both on the mainlands and in Amethyst.

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