Fort Sun Break Settlement in Peridot | World Anvil
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Fort Sun Break

Lying between Check, the outer mainlands and the undermountain. Fort Sun Break has always held a strange space in it's position in the Mainlands. It primarily belongs to the Undermountain faction who protect the entrance from creature's trying to leave but also is delved into by them and dug further and further through in spite of the dangers. This has turned the undermountain faction and their dungeon dives into a sport or form of entertainment.    The town itself consists of inns and armourers as well as a 'Trade Weighers' where Undermountain Delvers can go to trade in the valuable materials and creature parts they discover on their latest expedition.    It runs like a sports getaway and most of the town furthest from the mountain itself (safety) revolves around having incredibly large scrying 'screens' set around that are constantly displaying the different registered teams going through the Undermountain due to the jewels implanted on their foreheads as they go through. Gathering views encourages the Undermountain to allow the team to go back in faster than most would be allowed and so flashy displays, brazen fights and creativity are encouraged whilst the quiet yet effective teams may go unnoticed and have longer to wait between dungeon dives.   Apart from this Fort Sun Break's defence consists of dark walls reinforced over and over again, archer towers dot the entire town and there are a variety of barracks and guard houses. Though the inns all seem like dated houses and the other stores seem more like stalls set up temporarily for 'in season' business.


Variety of different species though there are very few tieflings and monstrous races and they only act as shopkeepers or viewers and none associate with the Undermountain faction.


Owned by the Undermountain who come down on any crime spectacularly heavily in their own way. Owned by the 'managers' of the faction and apart from that is pretty free in terms of trade with free set up as long as one pays for a traders license to set up shop for a number of days.


The fort is set up for defence. Split into quarters: 'The trade dealers and party registry', 'the store and blacksmith quarter', 'the inn and accomodation quarter' and finally 'the joy quarter' joy quarter is devoted to watching the exploits of the party on the screens with many beer and food stations around for enjoyment and solidifies the town as a permanent space of 'football stadium vibes'.


The fort has been established for as long as anyone from Peridot can remember and one of the islands great mysteries is how the creatures within were forced to stay that way for long enough while the space was built to shut off the mountain. Since that point it has been protected by wide varieties of groups but is now in the hands of the Undermountain faction.
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Fort
Large city
Characters in Location

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