The Horned Wanderers Species in Periapton | World Anvil
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The Horned Wanderers

The Horned Wanderers or Kan' Thu, how they call themselves, are a humanoid race, mostly situated to the east of the Great Continent. They are a head or two taller than most humans and have depending on der age and gender various horns or bony protrusions on their body. Most of the Kan'Thu prefer a nomadic lifestyle on The Grass Plains  and travel in small tribes or bigger clans. Evolution made them excellent survivalists and hunters, but also extremely adept in handling animal and creatures of all sorts.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kan' Thu live as nomads in tribes which normally do not consist of more than 20 - 30 people.

Facial characteristics

All Kan' Thu have horns protruding from their mouths and some grow additional ones on their head through their lifetime. Their faces are in general very broad, with big noses and small eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They prefer to live in wide grass lands, steppes and tundras throughout the world and are often travelling around.
70 years
Average Height
2.0 to 2.5 m
Average Physique
fit and muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Depending on the geographical location and the tribe, their skin color varies from a very light green like fresh grass to a dark green like fir needles.

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