Kobolds Species in Periapton | World Anvil
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The Kobolds or "Living Metal", how they call themselves in their own language, are a race of small humanoid creatures. From the outside it seems like everyone was made to invent, experiment and build. They are extremely curious with everything that has to do with machinery and automating even the most mundane of processes. But they have a hard time to work together as a society, once they got to the point where one could experiment and invent, the problem of getting food and water seemed irrelevant. So their history bears a lot of scars of revolutions and wars, because every Kobold sees it as their right to do what he wants.

Basic Information


Their body looks humanoid in design, what differs is an elongated face and big bat-like ears. To a non-Kobold they seem very scrawny and never have a lot of muscle. Some Kobolds grow a tail.

Ecology and Habitats

Kobolds live in small villages and cities situated around mountains that contain resources they need. But they spend most of their time underground mining or crafting.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The head looks big in comparison with the body and has a shape like a triangle.

Average Intelligence

Most of them can read and write, but exclusively for the purpose of recording and describing their machines and contraptions. Kobolds are very smart when it comes to build machines for all kinds of problems and rely heavily on them. But they are very bad at adapting to new environments and do things by themselves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see very good in the dark, are very sensitive to strong light, have a much better range and reception in hearing than a normal human

Civilization and Culture


Kobolds discovered very early in their development as a race that there are certain metals and materials that could be used for making tools. They were one of the first races to discover forging and what you can achieve in mixing different metals for your tools. From there on out they started to rely on these new tools and always tried to make new and better ones.
60 years
Average Height
~1 m
Average Physique
small, hardy body delicate hands, very good at working with small things
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
the skin has a tint like copper, but there are also kobolds with a grey or even coal black tint

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