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Pecado & Pestis

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A world taken by sin and plague. The people have no hope, they are haunted by monsters and aberrations. The cruelties of mankind manifests as beasts to roam, possessing sinners who are willing to strike a deal for more power. Every corner is a mystery, every person hides a secret. Find out why curse has struck this world, find out who should be an ally and who should be an enemy, and decide; will you save this world, or end its misery?  Not a post-apocalyptic setting, but one where the players are dropped at the middle of the storm, in the year 99 Post-Peace, 1 year before the prophesied end of the world.  The adventures are not from this world, they awaken here, in a cave, with faint memories of their past, and none of their equipment. What brought them here? Why them? Where are their items? Where ARE they? What even is this world? They must figure it out, in this mystery filled apocalypse.

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Pecado & Pestis Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e