Human Species in Paulia | World Anvil
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"I shall craft them in my image. They will become a reflection of myself; the race that can accomplish anything. They will contain no special make up, no advantages and no improvements. To survive, they must adapt, improve and think. Others may view this as a weakness, but my children will be the ones to shape my world. They will be the Earth, the Fire, the Water and the Wind. My sweet, sweet children."
~ The All-Mother creating the Humans, Text of the Overworld Page 36

Basic Information


Humans have a typical build seen in many sentient species; they own two arms & two legs, a vertebral column, typical muscular build and hair. Their bodies change in mass and weight depending on their activities and professions, which can either improve or hinder their life.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce via mating, with a man and woman. Unlike some races, Humans can mate with many races, which have created the "Half-Breed" races of Paulia. These races include Half-Ogres, Half-Animals, Half-Elves etc.

Growth Rate & Stages

A human will grow to adulthood at the age of sixteen and rarely live longer than a century. A human will go through the stages of being a baby, toddler, pre-teen, teen, adult, middle aged and elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

A human can thrive in any environment, providing that there is access to materials like wood and/or stone, as well as fresh water and a food source. If a human can make a shelter, they can survive many environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A human is an omnivore, with many trying to maintain a healthy balance or plants and meat. Humans would train animals to help hunt for food and using seeds or bulbs, would use pieces of land to grow their own plants and vegetables. They eventually adopted using livestock as an alternative for hunting.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have simple hearing and sight abilities; they can see well in daylight and require a source of light to see in darkness. Their hearing and smell is average too. The only way a human can improve these is with training or magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human names are very diverse, depending on the continent they derive from (as well as their gender). Some names include: Males - Athur, Orune, Gilbert, Alan, Owyn, Keaib, Idu, Jamal etc. Females - Aila, Sitre, Gwyndolin, Ula, Sasha, Mary, Meera etc.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is a concept that changes depending on which human you ask. Some believe that beauty is defined as a slim body, wrapped in fine garments and silken cloth. Others think a fatter body shows wealth & power. Some "hardy" humans believe that linen cloth is all that one needs, showing off the beauty of the human body rather than their fashion.

Relationship Ideals

Many humans are taught to search for permanent love, commonly seen in marriage. this happens often in arranged marriages for upper-class families.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All humans speak Common and are able to learn more exotic languages, including Giant, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Draconic, Wildtalk etc.


Created by the All-Mother, Humans are the most common and widespread races among all races in Paulia. A human can excel at many tasks, their race created to have the ability to shape their skills to their needs. Originally created on the island known as "Sunny Garden", humans migrated to the fresh continent of Ophelia and started to begin their journey of becoming the most widespread and successful race of Paulia. Some races view the humans to be weak, due to having no special abilities or set talents in their biology. But as the All-Mother said, if humans were to survive, they must adapt to their environments.   The best and worst are found in Humans; one may come across a selfish noble, who spits in the face of the homeless but also find a caring woman, running an orphanage for children whom have no others. However, humans can be quite distrustful of other races; a xenophobic mind planted in some due to past experiences with fiends, corrupt fae and other beasts. This is not true of others though, as many humans travel all around Paulia to meet new walks of life and gain experience previously unknown to them.
Scientific Name

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