Quarrel, Crown of Conquest Character in Pathfinder | World Anvil
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Quarrel, Crown of Conquest

The God of Conquest Quarrel Fullbreaker

Divine Domains

Conquest, War, Armed Conflict

Holy Books & Codes

The Saga written covering the Ax of Winter.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A large ax shape, or a skull without its jaw.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To bring an end to war, by making it obsolete through mutually assured destruction.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Large, incredibly muscular, yet with unrivalled grace and finesse. Yet he could knock down a great tree with a light punch.

Identifying Characteristics

Eyes glow White when under stress, covered in scars, and some traditional tattoos marking his victories in battle.

Physical quirks

Walks proudly and tall, bringing lots of attention to himself.

Special abilities

Increased strength, speed, endurance, does not age, can undergo a massive surge of Light energy when threatened.

Apparel & Accessories

Large red cape, with gold trim. Black leather boots, rather modest clothes otherwise.

Specialized Equipment

Wields the mighty Ax of the New Dawn, large two handed ax wielded with one hand. He is searching for his even more mighty Ax of Winter, however its location is unknown.

Mental characteristics


Trained by the knight Ethan, Master of Swords.


Was crowned King of Elba at the age of 16, he united the remaining tribes and kingdoms to defend their home from the southern invaders.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated the entire Southern Coalition's main army, twice. United 14 tribes and kingdoms.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the end, after his disappearence, the Southern Coalition was victorious. In their defeat, the King of Camulus married the newly crowned Queen of Elba, fully solidifying the nation's place, as a holding by the southern peoples.

Mental Trauma

Has grown to resent his ways when he was young, feels horrible for the losses his, and all, people felt at the hands of war.

Morality & Philosophy

Wishes to end all conflict.

Personality Characteristics


His motivation is to end all conflict in the world. He plans to do this by making his mercenary company so powerful, that whoever has more money gets to hire them, and therefore wins. He will basically extort every nation so that nobody can hire him, but the fear of the opponent doing so is so great, that wars are not fought anymore.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very poor at strategy games, prefers long term planning over immediate gratification.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes the quiet, common people, birds, peaceful rest, and honour. Dislikes snakes, extremely underhanded tactics, and disrespect of any creature/person.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ambidextrous, patient, calm, noble, precise, and cunning.

Vices & Personality flaws

Difficult to calm down once angered, poor at short term planning, and very scared of history repeating its self.

Personality Quirks

Has a very loud boisterous laugh


Family Ties

Distantly related to King Francis II of Camulus, as their families merged with the fall of Elba (Now Dal Riada) hundreds of years ago.

Religious Views

Sees the other gods as overly apathetic and selfish, sees them as wasting their time being gods when they could be out helping people.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet Torainu, a sort of tiger wolf from the lands of chu, named Rex.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Conflict, (Former) King of the Untamed Lands, (Former) King of Elba,
1446 AC 1494 AC 48 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Bjorin Fullbreaker, Prince-Chief of the Fullbreaker clan.
Circumstances of Death
Died during the Aeon Crusade, there were no survivors.
Among the highlands of Dal Riada (Former Elba)
Current Residence
Long, Wild, and Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The day is won. You can rest now. All of you."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Wilder, Common (Old)
Character Prototype
Sort of like Rider from Fate/Zero, i guess

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