The Elements Character in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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The Elements

The elements include Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Though they are considered by many to be four separate beings, in truth it is one who appears to others in different shapes and with seemingly different personalities depending on how the Elements is invoked.   Devotees of the Elements do not choose a single element, for that would be against the teachings of the Elements. Instead, worshipers must equally exalt all four elements at the same time.
Edicts: Everything is composed of varying degrees of elements; these elements must be kept in balance
Anathema: Never allow one element to overcome the other three.
Follower Alignments: N

Devotee Abilities

Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill Arcana
Divine Weapon: Greatclub
Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Cleric Spells: 1st level: Shillelagh; 5th level: Elemental Form; 7th Level: Energy Aegis

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