Silver Dagger Organization in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Silver Dagger

While Moon is the patron of lycanthropes, Luna is also aware that sometimes her children get out of hand. This is where the Silver Daggers come in. The Daggers are a sorority of adherents of Moon who hunt and destroy errant lycanthropes of all sorts, especially the so-called Eaters of Man, a heresy within the followers of Moon who embrace lycanthropic superiority over others.   Despite being a part of the adherents of the Moon, the Silver Dagger is considered a secular organization. They only admit female or non-binary members, and are well trained if few in number. Many Dagger-Sisters travel the world, investigating reports of dangerous lycanthropic activity.   Although one of the strictures of Moom is "never wear silver," members of this organization are exempt from that stricture and most of them have silver weapons.  

Silver Dagger Options


Silver Hunter

It takes a special breed to become a hunter of lycanthropes. Silver Hunters are just such a breed. All Silver Hunters arm themselves with a silvered dagger, which they must purchase on their own.  

Silver Hunter Dedication | FEAT 2

Uncommon, Archetype, Dedication
Prerequisites You worship the Moon. You must not be a werecreature of non-good alignment
Access You are a member of the Silver Daggers in good standing You've sworn yourself to the eradication of evil lycanthropes. You become trained in Survival and in Lycanthrope Lore. If you were already trained, you become an expert instead. You are immune the Curses of the various Werecreatures (Curse of the Wererat, etc)
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Silver Hunter archetype.  

Eye of the Moon | FEAT 4

Prerequisites Silver Hunter Dedication
Moon sees all in her infinite wisdom. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the Seek action. You also gain low-light vision.  

Moonbeam | FEAT 4

PrerequisitesSilver Hunter Dedication
You gain the Cleric Focus spell Moonbeam. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by praying or serving your deity.  

Sense Werecreature | FEAT 6

PrerequisitesEye of the Moon
Your time spent hunting werecreatures allows you to sense them. You sense werecreatures as a vague sense (core rulebook 465) similar to a human's sense of smell, as the hairs on the back of your neck raise up. When in proximity to a werecreature, you eventually sense their presence, though you might not do so instantly and you can't pinpoint their location. A werecreature using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its true nature must attempt a Deception check against your Perception DC to hide its presence from you. If the creature succeeds in its Deception check then it is temporarily immune to your Sense Werecreature for 1 day.  

Advanced Combat Training | FEAT 6

Prerequisite Silver Dagger Dedication
You gain one Fighter feat. For the purpose of prerequisites , your fighter level is half your character level.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you do, gain another Fighter feat.  

Become the Blade of the Moon | FEAT 8

Prerequisite Silver Dagger Dedication
All of your attacks deal silver damage in addition to whatever other types of damage the attack normally deals.


The organization is small and normally no more than two Dagger-Sisters are encountered together; a younger trainee and a more experienced and older mentor. The organization has open meetings once a month in Moonsfield in the City of Bridges but due to the few numbers and the spread out nature of the organization very few attend these meetings.
Military Order

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