Awakenings Session 1 Report Report in Pathfinder 2nd Edition | World Anvil
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Awakenings Session 1 Report

General Summary

The heroes awoke, their lungs burning after not working for a bit...but they were not in the City of Bridges where they had fallen . They were in pitch blackness, surrounded by stone. Ranzak and Tup were able to tell with their darkvision that they were in some kind of stone rectangle with a lid on it. Everything was covered in ice, and Vihra Durnova climbed to a window to look out, seeing that the group was in some kind of fortress on a cold, clear lake in the middle of an arctic forest. They pushed the lid off and soon the others joined them..they were seemingly in their own tombs! After a few minutes of getting their bearings, they heard someone chipping away at the door.   The heroes took up defensive positions and a few seconds later, the doors open. A pair of Kobolds had chipped away at the ice that had frozen the door and, surprised to see someone in the tomb, attacked. A small battle ensued and eventually the heroes made it out into the courtyard. There they discovered the remains of monks that had been running from something, but were flash-frozen and killed by...something. Ranzak theorized it might have been a white dragon that killed the monks and (one of the characters..I don't remember which..I think it was Grilsnick ) recognized the monks as monks of the Path of the Five Spears . It didn't take long to put two and two together to realize they were at the (now destroyed) School of the Five Spears near Cold Lake in Mordau . How they got there was still a mystery but they surely couldn't stay here else they would freeze to death...better to take their chances in the woods and attempt to get to the nearest town (which was probably 4 days away by their estimates), or they could follow the kobold tracks and possibly find where the kobolds had come from. They chose to take their chances finding the they set out to trek through the woods.   Along the way Vihra Durnova scouted ahead and was able to give everyone a slight warning that they were about to be attacked by wolves. it wasn't enough, because one of the wolves got the drop on the party. These starving creatures attacked and one ran away while the heroes killed another. They then skinned it (hoping that Tup could make a coat out of the pelt. After some healing by Brandilyn Hart they settled in for the night.

Rewards Granted

130 XP
A Time for Heroes
Vihra Durnova
Brandilyn Hart
Report Date
23 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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