Bihiru Welch Character in Passaulis | World Anvil
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Bihiru Welch

Bihiru Welch

Bihiru is a strong stout man, he owns and runs the tavern in the small hamlet of Aydindir.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aging, short and stout. Has a niggling cough from the brewing fumes.

Body Features

Pale compare to the rest of the townsfolk.

Facial Features

Thick dark eyebrows.

Physical quirks

Niggling cough.

Apparel & Accessories

Appears well dressed and groomed as well as someone dressed in rags with no means of grooming their hair can.

Specialized Equipment

Access to a lot of cheap nasty ale, and a small amount of some of the finest ale ever produced.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Aydindir. He grew up learning only three things; how to make ale, how to serve ale and how to deal with the burden of his entire township looking up to him for leadership. His father ran the Aydindir tavern, as did his father before him. As the ale the tavern makes is the life blood of the small community, the tavern owner is looked upon as a de facto leader of the hamlet. Since his fathers death while Bihiru was still young that role has been his. And it's a duty he doesn't take lightly. He works long hours and negotiates the best deals he can with passing traders, to keep his people well fed and cared for. However is ambition to do well by his people took a hit after his plans to modify his stills for increased output went astray. An explosion in the one of the brewing vats killed his wife and maimed his daughter Sumia Welch. Thanks to the efforts of Australia Zealand Sumia's life was saved, but her right leg was lost. Since that incident, Bihiru is content just doing his best to get by. But that ambition to help his fellow townsfolk always simmers under the surface.




Worked at the Aydindir tavern for all his life. Learnt how to brew 'Clearwater Ale' from his father at an early age.

Failures & Embarrassments

Had ambitions to improve his ale stills production capacity, wanting to make more ale in hopes of getting better quality goods from passing traders. His tinkering with the stills lead too an explosion. Killing his wife, and permanently maiming his young daughter Sumia Welch

Mental Trauma

Watched his wife die, and his young daughter get maimed. Blames his own ambition for their loss.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is a lover of gnomish pan flutes. Cannot play himself, but pays in 'Clearwater ale' for any bard willing to play them in his tavern for a while.

Morality & Philosophy

Just wants to do right by his town folk. All he desires is to keep them safe and well fed.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to do the best that he can by his townsfolk. But can't risk anymore.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

With limited tech and only the basic ingredients can produce some of Passaulis's finest ale. And can even recycle the wheat and grains to make a low quality ale for virtually no added cost.

Likes & Dislikes

Ale and making ale.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind hearted but not trusting.

Vices & Personality flaws

Wants the best for his daughter, and knows she should leave Aydindir. But he worries for her safety and knows they'll be no-one better to care for the people of Aydindir when he's gone.

Personality Quirks

Pulls on his beard hairs when nervous.


Not the cleanest of people, probably wouldn't leave his stills if it wasn't for the nagging of his daughter.


Family Ties

Only living relative is his daughter Sumia Welch.

Religious Views

Lightly religious, but doesn't show particular reverence for any particular god.

Social Aptitude

Quiet, but doesn't let himself get pushed around in conversation. He's had too many dealings with passing traders for that.


Speaks plainly and bluntly. Many more well educated people would feel him rude. But he never means any offence, just doesn't know any better.

Wealth & Financial state

Very little material wealth. He never takes anything more that what would be his even share. Except the occasional trinket he hides away to make sure his daughter gets.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1770 54 Years old
Current Residence
Pale blue, tired.
Thinning greying hair, with small beginnings of a bald patch on top.
Quotes & Catchphrases
'I've got some ale you can have... It's shite! but I've got it'
Known Languages
Only understands common.
Character Prototype
Danny DeVito

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