Light of Slolaris - Ethnicity Ethnicity in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Family names

People of any sort of high-ish position like to name their children after something to do with light or the sun. This goes for things like; noble families, warrior families, high-end mechant and so on.


Culture and cultural heritage

People are children of their parents, they are educated in the same way as their parents before them.

Common Etiquette rules

Be kind to people, unless they don't serve Solaris

Common Dress code

You generally speaking need to have sleves, cover thighs and not show too much cleavage (like barely anything)
In formal situations. Men are expected to wear suits, and women are expected to wear dresses that cover at least down to knees.

Art & Architecture

People pf The light of Solaris all appreciate art that presents the sun in a positive capacity. It is very common for all sorts of art to include some form of a sun

Coming of Age Rites

You are considered of age, when Solaris blesses you with your first cantrip.

Common Taboos

Worshipping other gods. It will be met with death.


Beauty Ideals

Females must have long beutiful hair, where men must attain grand beards.
Also must have muscles, they're great, for anyone

Gender Ideals

There are males, and there are females.
Anything that isn't straight is wrong, and must be punished
Encompassed species
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