Goliath Species in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Goliaths have 206 bones, and roughly 704 muscles. Goliaths are bipedal. These extra muscles are placed throughout the body, making them fair more sturdy than most.

Biological Traits

Goliaths mature around the age of 15, and can live to be roughly 80, but they usually die far before.

Genetics and Reproduction

Da sex.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goliaths mature faster than humans, roughly reaching adulthood at 14, and dying of old age at round 70, though they rarely lice that long.

Ecology and Habitats

Goliaths like living in the cold, as their hide protects them from it, and they become uncomfortably warm in warm tempers

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goliaths need to eat more meat than humans.

Biological Cycle

Goliaths largely hunt their food, but it can be found all-year around where they usually settle.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The strongest rules the rest. Everyone must help the flok.

Facial characteristics

Goliaths rarely have a lot of hair, but it can happen.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goliaths live mostly at colder areas, as they are more comfortable there, and like the extra hunting challenge.

Average Intelligence

Goliaths are rarely particulairly smart, as they are more tribalistic in nature, preferring hunting to studying.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goliaths have no special senses

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goliaths have very simplistic names.

Beauty Ideals

Goliaths tend to tattoo themselves with black ink

Gender Ideals

Gender is basically irrelevant in goliaths culture.

Common Etiquette Rules

Goliaths are more bestial in nature than most humanoids, they will eat much more like animals

Common Dress Code

Goliaths don't tend to cover themselves a lot, preferring light cloths or clothing for wear.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

For goliaths, the most important thing is strength, it is better if it is physical, but magical is also accepted.


Goliaths are beings that came from Humans mating with Hill giants. They stem from The Wastes and live primarily there. Goliaths as a species do not predate The day of decay, instead coming in after the Humans became desperate to find a way to survive. They then went to live mostly in tribes in The Wastes.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6,3-7,6 ft
Average Weight
200-450 lbs
Average Physique
Goliaths are increadibly strong and study, there is no inherit difference between a male goliath and a female goliath in structure.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goliaths almost always tattoo themselves and their children at a very young age, it is very uncommon to see a goliath without tattoos.

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