Drow Species in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Drow have 206 bones, and roughly 604 muscles. Drow are bipedal

Biological Traits

Drow mature reach adulthood in their 100's. They live up to 800 years.
Drow stand anywhere from 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. They are slightly smaller than humans on average
Drow weigh roughly the same as humans, But a little less.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages

Drow mature around 100 years, and can easily live to be 700

Ecology and Habitats

Drow have evovled to live easily under the surface, in darkness.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Drow need to eat as anyone else. Due to their exeptionally sharp teeth, they are able to eat most animals

Biological Cycle

As Drow live primarily underground, seasons don't really matter a whole lot to them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drow generally favor females in their society, sometimes going so far as to kill a male child, in favor of having a higher percentage female children. Males are often seen as lesser, so there would have to be a very good reason, for a richer house to house a male drow. This favor is only reserved for drow people, but also to a much lesser extent with others.

Facial characteristics

Drow have pointy ears, like that of an Elf

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Drow are primarily held up in The Underdark, as they are at war with the Light of Solaris. Some of them do leave, and some have before now.

Average Intelligence

Drow are considered wild beasts, they are not, however they usually have a larger temper than others.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drow are known for their very great nightvision, but also their sensitivity to sunlight

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

More feminine equals better. They like gemstone, but really do not like red or yellow jewels. Blue is much preferred.

Gender Ideals

... Feninine females

Relationship Ideals

Because of Drow's favor towards females. Drow are super commonly gay, both males and females. As it was better for females to court females for status, and easier of males to court males. This led to being gay being more of a standart. Reproduction being seen as more of a duty than a racial desire.

Average Technological Level

Drow don't have a particulairly high technological level when it comes to warmachines, as they specialise in sorcery. They do however have many grand, beutiful cities in The Underdark.

Common Etiquette Rules

The drow are a very formal race when it is needed, but otherwise they tend to joke a lot with one another.

Common Dress Code

The drow don't regulairly have any tendencies in clothing. However, if at a courtly party or the like, they will prefer fine silks to anything else.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

When a drow of significant standing dies, they are buried in a tomb dedicated to them, with a single Atropa belladonna in their hands.

Common Taboos

Suggesting masculinity is better than, or on par with femininity
... Guys in general


Drow were created by Lunaris, shortly after Solaris made the Elf race.
Lunaris wanted her race to be better than Solaris's, so she went with the logic that more feminine would be better, which would lead to the drow favoring females over males
Drow always much prefered the dark, but it was day roughly half of the time, and drow liked the darkness better. They would go underground, as to always be in the dark, and had their sorcerers produce a meathod for seeing the moon at all times.

Common Myths and Legends

It is a common drow saying, if someone says something unbelievable to them, to say "Sure, and Lunaris punched the sun out of the sky"
Average Height
5,5-6 ft
Average Weight
Average Physique
Drow are almost always slim in build, always prioritising dexterity over strength. Drow who take up a lot of space are increadibly rare.

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