Dragon Species in Pareidolia | World Anvil
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Dragons are serpentine creatures with a habit of hoarding materials. While they aren’t capable of magic on their own, they can sense and alter streams of Creation magic from the world around them—for instance, a dragon can change the balance of growth so that one part of a forest blooms and the other decays, but it cannot change the overall amount of magic in the world.

Basic Information


Reptilian in nature, dragons are long and graceful creatures with glowing eyes, iridescent scales, and feathered manes and tails. The scale and feather colors vary, but are often softer pastel or darker muted tones.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation


Dragon scales are much sought-after for jewelry, decoration, and clothing, and also highly illegal. It has been proven that their scales can focus and enhance a mage’s ability, especially a Creation mage, but killing dragons is frowned upon in almost all cultures and most mages choose not to use them.


Items from a dragon’s hoard are considered incredibly valuable, and you are blessed if a dragon gifts you an object. While gems and gold coins are traditional, many dragons also hoard shells, stones, flowers, or anything they consider pretty.
100 years (up to 500 with magical assistance)
Average Height
20 feet

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