Jason Xavier Lee Character in Parallels | World Anvil
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Jason Xavier Lee


Name: Jason Xavier Lee, the God of Death; Osiris; Hades; Pluto; Odin; Camazotz; Xolotl; Manannán mac Lir; The Tempest; The Destroyer of God; The Immortal Psychopath; The Yellow-Eyed God   Age: His body is 21 years of age biologically, though he appears to be little more than a boy. Chronologically, however, Jason is one of the oldest living things on Earth, at 4,081 years of age as of 2025.   Appearance: Jason is 5’10” tall, weighing in at about 155 lbs. His baggy clothing perpetuates the appearance of a scrawny teenager, when Jason is in fact built like a martial artist. Jason has messy black hair that he never bothers to style and golden eyes that glow faintly. He’s vaguely Italian in appearance, with olive skin, sharp features, and a slightly larger nose than average. He looks nothing at all like the rest of his biological family, who all have green or blue eyes and blonde or brown hair, despite being both his parents’ child.   Jason typically wears a dark gray or black t-shirt or light long-sleeved shirt underneath a black hoodie with bright yellow lining. He also wears black cargo jeans. While the hoodie and pants do little to show off his build (in fact, they do the opposite, giving him the appearance of a child wearing his father’s clothes), his shirt is usually fitted well, hinting at the lethal body hidden under layers of clothing.   In addition to the above, Jason has a black lower half-mask that he uses in tandem with the hood on his hoodie to hide his face whenever necessary, though the appearance of the hood and mask with glowing golden eyes is more synonymous with his identity than his actual face, which remains largely unknown to most anyone in search of the Yellow-Eyed God.   Personality: Jason’s true personality is mostly a mystery, even to himself, as it seems to change on a day-to day basis. However, his most common personality is a carefree, childish, sarcastic one. In this personality, Jason doesn’t take much seriously, even if he’s in danger. He loves to mess around, though he does seem to have his limits (even if they are a bit further along than most people’s). He has a skewed sense of justice, simultaneously dishing out serious punishment for people who cause minimal issues and ignoring those who are the source of massive problems. While he usually has a legitimate reason for not interfering with certain serious situations (any war, many of the genocides, the Holocaust, etc), most of the time he simply ignores the situation, despite having the ability to stop it. He can be a lazy glutton at times, but that’s usually reserved for any number of his other personalities.   Jason also has a second consciousness living in his head, but that will be discussed later.   Background: Jason’s background is a long and arduous journey. It’s best to touch on key points instead of outlining his entire 4,000 year existence.   Origin: Jason was born Jordan Barnes, the middle child of a family of five, his older sister Tricia born 20 years before him in 1980, and his younger sister, Anna, born 6 years after him in 2006. His parents were abusive, physically and emotionally. His older sister was distant, ignoring him, Anna, and his parents the moment she was able to leave. Jason resents her for that, taking in her son Rodrick after she shunned him, many thousands of years later in his lifespan.   When his younger sister was born, Jason took it upon himself to protect her from their parents, even going so far as to attack his father in retaliation when he was 12 to protect Anna. The physical abuse toward his sister stopped, but it didn’t toward Jason, though it was hidden from Anna. When he was 18, he moved out but stayed in town to keep an eye on his sister, who was blissfully unaware of the abuse. Their parents seemed to mellow out once Jason left, completely spoiling Anna in a complete 180 that baffled Jason until he learned that the Mage Seal can cause people you spend lots of time near to become hostile towards you.   In 2021, Jason was murdered in a mugging, a knife driven into the back of his head by the leader of a local gang and his subordinate. It was midnight on his birthday, February 2nd. He was killed the moment he turned 21.   His body was picked up by a local HAWC operative who had been watching him for years. To this day, Jason is unsure who it was, and suspects they’re long dead, killed in the HAWC event that follows.   To continue, Jason woke up a year later in the main HAWC facility, his eyes no longer green, and with shiny new powers and a necklace to keep him from going ballistic. He quickly accepts his situation, becomes friends with Dante, a healer, and the head of HAWC, Michael Drasphael. During his 6 month stay, Dante tells him about the atrocities HAWC. After a while, Jason decides he’s had enough of HAWC and breaks out, killing multiple people on his way. Almost all test subjects escape with him.   During this whole thing, after most HAWC agents, soldiers or Elites, leave the base in search of the missing Gaters, Andrea Mars, a mob boss situated in Seattle, invades the base. Long story short, she stole the equipment to force-evolve Partials with the intention to evolve herself and kidnapped Drasphael.   When Jason finds out, he kills Dante, who was working for Mars. He then forms a team of people he escaped with and people who came after him. Again, long story short, they make their way to Mars’ penthouse base in Seattle. After a short battle in which most of Jason’s team is killed and he’s sent back in time 4,000 years, returning the moment he’s sent back and killing Mars. He destroys Drasphael’s machinery, causing Location Yellow, and disappears. Dras returns to HAWC, building up the facility again, but harbors resentment of Jason, continuing his research to this day with the intent of making Jason face punishment.   Universe of Origination: Gateway   Faction (Gater, HAWC, etc): Gater   Powers: Jason is a Partial, which means he needs to be sealed at all times to prevent destroying his body and others. When sealed (due to a spinal implant given to him by HAWC), Jason is Level 5, and has only his healing ability, though he also retains his ridiculous reaction times and all his combat ability.   When he flexes the implant, he goes into Overdrive, which is a state of extreme power that slowly destroys his physical body over the course of about 15 minutes. He gains the ability to control time, even reversing it a few seconds at a time, as well as a kind of physical telekinesis and minor control over the laws of physics. In this state, he has a Coronal Level of anywhere from 150-200.   If he were to destroy his body, he has a 50/50 chance of either dying or releasing his true form, a being made out of golden energy, with a CL of well over 1,000. To elaborate, Jason’s power essentially detached his consciousness from his body and inserted it into an immortal energy-based being, a true god. This being is Jason, and he is pretty much possessing his own body, which provides another layer of seal on top of the HAWC seal.   Over time, his original body developed its own consciousness who shares the same headspace as Jason. The two of them can communicate inside Jason’s head. Jason has full control unless he lets this second consciousness, who he calls Reivax, take the wheel. Plaster is sadistic and psychopathic, even more so than Jason, and seems to be able to use Jason’s abilities better than Jason himself.   Jason’s god form is completely detrimental to Earth. His very existence will kill millions of people instantly, and if he doesn’t leave Earth immediately, the energy he emits will cause stability issues with the natural laws around him, shredding Earth and killing everyone else on the planet.   Power Breakdown: Not even gonna try.   Role (Optional): The Yellow-Eyed God.   Equipment (Optional): His weapon of choice, nicknamed The Lancer.   Starts as a basic 1 foot long black metal stick. It attaches to a plate strapped to his right forearm, on the bottom. Operation: twisting the top half of the stick clockwise released the top of it, and it extends into a sword resembling a Hanwei Zatoichi. It’s slightly shorter and and has no curve. Twisting the stick back resets the blade. Twisting the stick counterclockwise extends it into a 6-foot staff. Jason is entirely convinced that the stick is bigger on the inside. He’s not entirely wrong. It uses a strange technology to store the stick’s extensions in a pocket universe until summoned.  
  Final Notes: None

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