Quirks in Parahuman | World Anvil
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Below are some Parahuman-specific Quirks as well as a list of Quirks that are different or not allowed in a typical Parahuman campaign.   Auman--The Auman Quirk, as described in the core rule book, does not exist per se. Treat each of the "Aumen Type" Quirks as their own thing.   Costume-General--You have a costume that never suffers from wear and tear. You can be knocked through a building and not even get a rip in your shirt. Define why your costume doesn't get damaged. Perhaps it's made out of a special, advanced material?   Famous--Famous works as per the core rule book but can be used to apply to any Parahuman with an open identity, as most Parahumans are. If you have an open identity and do not have this Quirk, why don't you? Perhaps you're the "new kid?" If you have taken pains to hide your identity, consider the Secret Identity Quirk instead.   Immortal-Universal--You stopped aging, usually shortly after reaching adulthood though some stop aging sooner or later than adulthood. Whatever the case, you no longer have to worry about aging.   Secret Identity-General--You have taken pains to make your true name and identity hidden and probably wear a mask or otherwise hide your identity. You are Unregistered, which means that you are technically not supposed to be using your powers. Some may see you as a "villain" but you know better. On the plus side, your private life is yours to live outside of your heroic persona and you won't be followed by paparazzi or have to worry about paying for damages caused. On the negative side, you ARE technically a criminal...   Self-Sufficient-Universal--A common Quirk taken by Immortals, you no longer have to worry about starvation or dehydration.

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