Paedian Hog Species in Panterra | World Anvil
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Paedian Hog

The squealing can be heard from a hundred yards away, and as I get closer it's as though large brown boulders are shifting about. A few burly men clothed in leather and fur talk next to a particularly large specimen. Its head is the size of my torso, with two sets of painted tusks jutting up from its mouth. Two heavy copper rings pierce the center of the animal's nose, and its small black eyes flicker open as I approach. The animal grunts heavily but one of the men pats its hairy shoulder and the animal turns its head and goes back to sleep.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

As the name implies, the Paedian Hog hails from the northern province of Paedia. Sizeable populations are often found in eastern Osblark. The hogs scavenge in small groups, which often grow to groups of a dozen or more in the late winter or early spring. This species works to remove dead plant and animal material, clearing out underbrush naturally and effectively.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Paedian Hogs will eat almost anything and have extremely robust digestive systems. While the species is omnivorous, hogs have never been documented to kill another animal for food, instead scavenging from dead animals found while searching for food. Both males and females have been observed eating stillborn Paedian piglets, even in domestic populations. These hogs prefer to eat mushrooms--and are immune to the poisons found in some Paedian mushrooms--and underground tubers, which they will unearth.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In the wild, females usually scavenge in groups of three to four. Boars usually live alone, although young boars will sometimes coexist with another young boar, usually a brother or another male born to the same group of sows. During breeding season in late winter and early spring, males will build harems, often a dozen or more females strong. These herds only last a few months as the sows break off to make a birthing den away from the rest of the larger group.


Paedian Hogs have been tamed, but are only in the early stages of domestication, meaning that there is little to no difference between human-kept hogs and those found in the wild. The breed is naturally temperamental. Females that have been hand-raised from birth are the most friendly to humans and have been used extensively as plow and transport animals, similar to oxen in southern provinces. Usually just one sow is used, however, two can be used for exceptionally heavy work if the two are well-accustomed to each other. Sister pairs are the most common paired hogs, as even young sisters can work side by side without infighting.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Primarily used as draft and riding animals, Paedian Hogs have also been occasionally consumed for meat or leather. Their thick, hairy hides can create durable armor--both as leather or as fur. However, because of the size and temperament of the beasts, other species are more popular for use as food and leather.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Paedian Hog doesn't have particularly strong senses. Its sight is similar to that of a rhinoceros; bad at seeing details, but good with noticing movement. The hog's hearing is somewhat less than that of a human's, but its sense of smell is on par with that of a dog's. Smell is the hog's primary sense in the search for food.
20 years
Average Height
4.5-6 feet to the shoulder

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