Lyra Orion Character in Pangea-Ultivate | World Anvil
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Lyra Orion

Lyra Orion

Lyra is a smaller than average tabaxi from a small coastal village. Thanks to their natural talent for sailing and navigation, they were pressured to Join the royal guard from a young age. On their last travel with people from the village at 13, they saw the real need for the guards as their camp was raided by thieves. They are in it to protect the coastline visitors from getting scammed or killed. Thanks to some connections in their village with the Coalition of Sailors, Lyra began their journey towards those ends.

Cleric, tabaxi, the nine of Travel and Seafaring. Born in a seafaring village. Trained in navigation via stars. good at fishing but not much else. size: 158 cm tall, stringy and childish build with lots of lean muscle

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chaotic good
20 yrs
Date of Birth
March 15th
ocean blue
platnum blonde that fades to beige the further from the body it is
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
warm olive
158 cm
59 kg

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