Nidari Duellist Profession in Panessence | World Anvil
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Nidari Duellist

the legal system of the Nidari Reach, influenced by the Etneshkan system, allows for legal cases to be settled by duel between the two claimants, or champions chosen by them. over time, the role of duellist became formalised and professionalised, with the wealthiest able to afford better combatants and thus, to win cases. many fights are now agreed beforehand, with a discussion between the duellists and a token resistance from the loser, in cases where it is clear who will triumph and the loser isn't concerned at the loss of face or reputation versus the potential risks of injury.   Nowadays, duellist fights are as much sport as law, often attracting a crowd or even taking place in specially-designed amphitheatres.   both civil and criminal cases are tried in this manner, with a stable of duellists retained full-time as representatives of the local rulers. However, not all cases are decided by combat - just as many, especially minor cases or in cases where the facts of the matter are not in dispute, are settled by the ruler's decision on hearing the evidence of either party (or their representative lawyers).   the format of the fight is as follows:
  • fighters may not use weapons beside their bodies - hands, feet, knees etc - though the focus is generally on their stinging tentacles. to confirm that no weapons are carried, fighters typically compete nude.
  • there are strictly rules around allowed infusions, potions, and magical techniques that can be used. gravity- manipulating acrobatics are generally permitted, as it is such a common Nidari ability.
  • combat goes on until one party loses consciousness, or concedes by pretending to. Three ritualised needle-pricks to the back of the hand is used to test consciousness, so it is easy to fake. Otherwise, the effect of Nidari stings on others of their own kind is generally a numbing unconsciousness that only rarely leads to permanent paralysis, coma or death.
  • the form of arena varies from place to place and fight to fight, however they typically include water, sandy land, and elevated stone or wood structures to act as obstacles, highground and the like.
executions, when doted out (fairly rarely), usually take the form of "Deepings" - tying weights to the condemned and sinking them into deep waters, where pressure, stale or toxic water, or voracious predators can all finish them off.
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