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The World is defined by its ages. And this world has had only two, that it remembers. The Age of War, where the Saurians and Lithians clashed for control under the banners of their gods, and this age, the Age of Peace, where the Pantheons of those two peoples have agreed to set aside direct conflict and leave the world to their followers to do with as they please. This World, like all worlds, is defined by its Ages. Time is a river, and its passing leaves its mark upon the land and the people who dwell there. But the definition of an Age is only as good as the memories that define it, and the memories of mortals are as finite as their own brief lives. And what of the memories of Gods? Gods only remember for as long as they themselves are remembered.   Across the Southern Reaches, through the Jungles and the Marshes, sailing the tropical seas, are the kingdoms of the Saurians, a group of humanoids of multiple races, united in their worship of their Dinosaur Pantheon. City builders, students of magic, fearsome warriors, the Saurian Kingdoms stand as city-states against the tides of time and threats of barbarians.   Those barbarians? Watching over the northern plains, working the mighty mountains, hewing kingdoms of stone and blood are the Lithians. A similarly diverse group, united in the worship of Neolithic Beasts, the Lithians also found their kingdoms but identify far more with tribal structures of family and clan. Knowledge is passed orally, and magic is widely distrusted save by those who wield the magic of divine and wild sources. Eschewing writing for anything more complicated than figures and book-keeping, the Lithians nonetheless keep a strong tradition of story and strong.   And between the these kingdoms, both Lithian and Saurian, are the Wilds - places teeming with ancient ruins, savage beasts and, more recently, monsters.