The Titan War Myth in Paerithaine | World Anvil
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The Titan War

Meanwhile, Ronan had been watching all this, feeling bad for the Riftrunners, and his pure heart ached for the poor race. But even the purest of hearts have seeds of corruption in them. Ronan, while he was observing his creation, answering prayers of help, Asartin entered the throne room to consult Ronan. Asartin told Ronan he saw corruption growing within Ronan. Ronan, wanting to rid himself of the corruption, used his powers to release the corruption as five spirits called ‘Yamishiri,’ meaning corruption, or evil. The Yamishiri were released into Paerithaine, and the Yamishiri reigned terror on the people of Paerithaine. Ronan, not wanting the evil to remain any longer, created five titans to destroy the Yamishiri. The war the titans fought against the Yamishiri was destructive and dangerous, but alas the Yamishiri overtook the titans and possessed the titans, using them to attack Ronan. Ronan and the gods battled against the titans, but were not able to defeat the titans. Navitar, using his scheming and trickery, disguised himself as the lead titan to trick the titans. Navitar told the titans that within the black abyss under the universe, there was a beautiful paradise waiting for them. The titans, hearing this, went to the abyss and lowered themselves in, and realized it was a trap, but alas, it was too late. The titans were swallowed in the abyss and destroyed. When the lead titan heard of this, he was greatly angered and challenged Ronan to a duel. Ronan accepted the duel, and they met in an arena to fight. Ronan had rigged the arena with a trap, so that if the lead titan stepped just right, he would fall into the abyss and be destroyed. Ronan fought viciously with the titan, and the two made a desperate attempt to destroy each other. The titan made a false step, opening the trap Ronan had created, and the titan fell into the echoing abyss below and was destroyed completely.


The high king Ronan was told by one of the other gods that he had corruption growing inside Ronan's heart. In order to get rid of this corruption, Ronan used his powers and released the corruption as evil spirits known as Yamishiri. This was Ronan's mistake, as the Yamishiri reigned terror on the people of Paerithaine. Ronan knew that even him and the other gods were not strong enough to kill them, so Ronan created 5 titans in order to get rid of the five Yamishiri, and later the Yamishiri possessed the titans which then caused the titan war. Ronan convinced the 4 titans (not including the leader) to jump into a void, saying that it was filled with beauty and luxury designed for them. This killed all but the lead titan. The lead titan was angered by this, and Ronan challenged the remaining titan to a duel. Ronan rigged the arena they dueled in to have a trap door in the floor that would drop whoever stepped in it into the void. After a vicious duel, Ronan knocked the titan into the void and all 5 Yamishiris were destroyed forever.

Historical Basis

This myth was believed to be loosely based off of a myth of a tyrant who reigned over his people tyrannically and treated them cruelly. The myth, however, was not based off of anything real or anything that we know about today.


The myth spread through Glorina and Rhymenia, but it hasn't changed a bit.

Variations & Mutation

There are no variations, and the tale has been kept in its original form for hundreds of years now.

Cultural Reception

The culture accepted this and believed that all of us have corruption somewhere in our hearts, even if we believe we do not have corruption. The culture also interpreted it as a warning not to take out anger on someone else or accuse someone else for something you have done wrong.

In Literature

The myth was written in poetical forms, and though the wording is slightly different on each poem, the story and its moral remain the same today.

In Art

Famous painters have done paintings depicting the duel between Ronan and the lead titan, but no other paintings are related to this myth surprisingly.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
1046 or around that time period
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