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In the world of Ozmenth, there are the haves and the have nots. In a realm quickly advancing from spell and sword to the might of gunpowder and the formation of the modern Nation-state, those with their hands wrapped around the throat of innovation can go very, very far. This is a realm where the dawn of the locomotive did not mean the death of the horse, where the first fiery burst of gunpowder did not signal the end of the bow. History has a distinct hint of grandeur and tragedy in every twist and turn, great mages marking the end of every era with a quite literal bang. With this time of innovation and rapid advancement mark a break from this cycle? Or, will iron and lead regress to back wood and stone, as the sands of time suggest?   The great nations of the world do not ask themselves these questions, as with a rapidly swelling level of advancement comes naught but more to fear. Will the interconnected world go up in flames without even a mage to set off the bonfire? Could the next calamity be that of the common man? And if so, may magic be a dead craft? A wealth of questions, with answers only held in the jaws of time. Will you side with the petty, squabbling Nations of the world to fight against the grain of history and bring untold glory, without any consideration for what these conquests over nature could mean for the future? Or will you be an arbiter of the bony hand of father time, returning the world to a magic-centric one, consequences be damned?   The only person who can make this decision is you. The world is open, and without a finish line.   However... murmurs have begun to echo in the dankest and darkest alleyways of cities, of a man who knows what the future holds, and has decided to take the world in his own hands. Could this be the next grand mage to usher in a new era? And what could these murmurs suggest? What use do they have to appeal to the lowest of the low? More questions in a world without answers, but wouldn't the best thing for a world of questions be a man who has all the answers?