The Gate of Monsters Building / Landmark in Oxum | World Anvil
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The Gate of Monsters

The monstrous epicenter of the Realm.

The Gate is a ancient subterranean structure found at the epicentrer of the Realm of Monsters and is responsible for one of the largest cataclysms in history. After being discovered in -978 B.B, it was mostly ignored until a set of researchers and explorers took the trek towards the ancient structure, which was then located in a rural forest. Both the Foxtonian Kingdoms and Kounélios were present, setting up camps to research these structures. While the Foxtonians believed it to be an ancient divine temple or a way of communing with the gods, the Kounélians were more interested in the technology and the central, strange object deep underground in the main chamber. After years of research, Foxtonians and Kounélians attempted to activate the central Gate in the middle of the room after attempting to interact with the device's controls. Calculations were, however, not correct nor was their knowledge sufficient to operate the gate correctly, which led to the events called The Breach, a catastrophic event that opened up the world of Oxum to beings from other worlds and turning the surrounding lands into the Realm of Monsters as it is known today. These events also created the beginning of the Oxum Calendar, marking it as Year 0.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of the gate is a mystery to the occupants of Oxum, as most of the structure and its controls are written in a strange tongue. Many scientists have tried to decipher the bits of information that explorers have brought back from the Gate, yet all of them are baffled by the strange symbols and the intricate control mechanisms Later expeditions only brought back little extra details or snips of information regarding the gate's inner workings, but barely anything of much use to the scientific community.
Due to the ever-increasing level of danger in the surrounding regions, expeditions towards the gate to study it have become more and more dangerous and less profitable, thus slowing down the influx of information regarding the structure.


After the events of the Breach, the Gate was partially damaged and became dormant, severing the connection between the Gate and the other planes. The control room has mostly been overgrown by the local fauna and some of the monsters that made it their nest, further increasing the level of danger when attempting to access the control room. The outside of the building above the portal room has some remnants of the science outposts set up by the people of Kounélios as well as some tents belonging to the Foxtonians.


The style of architecture is very odd and alien in shape, with tall blocky structures sprouting up made from dark stone, some chiselled with strange markings in an unknown language. The Gate is split up into two parts, a large entrance built above the ground made up from rectangular watchtowers and a central large building, the main part of the building being bellow the surface. The subterranean part is made up from a large staircase leading far underground into the central chamber where the gate itself is located. Large pillars sprout up in a circle and surround the Gate itself, which is shaped like half of a circle and sports several gems embedded into the main body of the structure, of which some are either missing or cracked. Documents from Kounélian researches state that most of the gems are ones that are found on Oxum itself, implying that the gate itself was not placed here, but built from local resources.
Year 0
Founding Date
Unknown, but estimated to be during the creation of Oxum's earliest civilisations.
Alternative Names
The Breach, The Gate
Parent Location

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