Gate-Beings Species in Oxum | World Anvil
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Creatures that arose from the results of the Breach Cataclysm are all different in nature, looks and origins, but are more collectively know as Gate-Beings.
These creatures are trademarked by their strange and alien looks, crossing over from their world into Oxum through tears in the fabric of space and time. Whilst not all creatures that have been observed are outright hostile, most act purely out of instinct or driven by a hivemind, often leading to more hostile encounters with the native populations of Oxum.
Though technically any creature summoned from another plane could be considered a Gate-Being, these more often refer to beings that cross over through breaches and portals to other realms without the help of magic users to open the way.

Basic Information


Some Gate-Beings inhabit familiar traits to life forms found on Oxum, though many exude strangely morphed forms or horrific anatomy.
Each being varies wildly depending on their origin, as those passing over from worlds with lower gravity struggle to move or ones adapted to camouflage in red vegetation stick out like sore thumbs. But to some, the world of Oxum is prime real estate that offers far more easy prey to hunt.
"Those things trick your eyes, make you see things that aren't there so they can sneak up on ya! Good thing they smell like a rotting corpse." -Yarlo, Tabaxi Expedition Guard
Some highly-adaptable beings have show to use rather high intelligence when it comes to hunting prey and problem-solving. The most clever beings have shown to even evade seasoned Monster Hunters' sight and perform successful ambushes, with some even able to detect and disarm traps laid down for them.
Due to the unpredictable set of skill and abilities a gate-being may have, hunting them can be a risky task but also very lucrative for those brave enough to face them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Several beings have been recorded reproducing within the Realm of Monsters after locating a suitable spot for their nest. Though most population numbers rarely exceed one or two hundred of a given species, were an apex predator to gain access to a lush hunting ground, their numbers might quickly swell into neigh-uncontainable amounts. Due to this, special groups of researchers from the Breach Security Council keep track of the larger concentrations of nests and their population. Should one species start growing large enough so it could pose a future threat to the security forces stationed at the Great Goliath Barrier, expeditions are organized to cull the nests to more manageable numbers.
Scientific Name
Monstra Supermundanae
Geographic Distribution

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