House Redhawk Organization in OwOrld | World Anvil
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House Redhawk

The Upholders of Order

House Redhawk is The Kingdom of Praesidia's westernmost house and exerts great influence over the kingdom's capital territory. Its sigil is a hawk, with colors of red and black -- no surprise here.


With a greater emphasis on conventional military strength than the other great houses, Redhawk's leader is often a military commander or war hero. A long line of descent and close proximity to the capital has left House Redhawk in control of the throne for ages.


Redhawk's most notable asset is its standing army -- the largest in the known world. Access to the coast has spawned fleets of both naval and merchant vessels.

Strike Swift, Aim True

Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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