Kingdom/Dutchy of Old Modenia Rank/Title in Ovion | World Anvil
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Kingdom/Dutchy of Old Modenia

  The oldest documented kingdom to exist in Ovion. The kingdom of Old Modenia is a kingdom well protected its northern mountains. It borders the kingdom of Bern and the Kingdom of Melgueilion to the north. To the south it borders and act as a gate to the paninsulean kingdoms to the south.   The ruling family has changed many times but the first King and founde of the Kingdom of Old Modenia was Thane Iron-Shield. He and his descendents ruled for over 200 years. But their line ended with Hanarith II. The second family to take power was of Tronish origin. They were a migrating people that came from the north east. They killed King Hanarith II and their patriarch Dagbur became king. His descendents are called the Dagburings and ruled the kingdom (not in its intirety, there were resistence against the Tronish attack) for 150 years. During this time a new man rose to power and managed to kill he last Dagburing King, Jarec and married his sister Velga. This man became High King of Modenia and named himself Arvadan Kren I. His descendents ruled until Emperor Berthwallt Cedewain and his armies arrived.   The King during this time was Trentus Kern. He surrendered but was allowed to keep all of his former kingdom and instead was name Duke of Old Modenia. His descendents have ruled the dutchy since and is one of the core and most loyal terretories of The Empire.   The current Duke of Old Modenia is Arvadan Kern III.
Nobility, Hereditary
Alternative Naming
Kingdom of Modenia, Kingdom of Old Modenia, Dutchy of Old Modenia.

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