Yuan-Ti Purebloods Species in Ovenica | World Anvil
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Yuan-Ti Purebloods

Civilization and Culture


The dreadful Yuan-Ti are a species that has not been seen for some time. Their history lies in the most ancient of Dwarven books. They were a reptilian species, snakelike in form and function, and masters of using dark magic to graft and warp flesh to create monstrosities. Their most successful creation were what are now known as purebloods. A near perfect mixture of human and Yuan-Ti, the purebloods had only subtle abnormalities to distinguish them from other humans such as scaled skin, slit eyes, or even a forked tongue. The purebloods were believed to have been created as infiltration units, though during the creation process the cold cunning of the Yuan-Ti was overridden by human emotions. Many of this first batch of purebloods were slaughtered when their Yuan-Ti masters realized their mistake. A few however, managed to make their way to what is now Ovenica.

When the world shattered, all knowledge of the whereabouts of the Yuan-Ti was lost. It is believed that they lived far to the south and, as such, had been wiped off the map. The only remaining remnant of their existence is the descendants of those lucky first purebloods to escape slaughter. Still, every now and then, reports come in from the remote places of Ovenica describing sightings of half snake, half human beings.
80 - 100 years
Average Height
5'9" - 6'2"
Average Weight
110 - 200lbs

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