Darklake Geographic Location in Out of the Abyss | World Anvil
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The Darklake is a series of connected bodies of water in the Underdark. They were formerly linked by waterfalls but later governed by locks created by Duergar engineers. The Darklake is located in a huge cavern more than 100 miles across. The cavern was up to 1,000 feet tall in some places, but very low in others. The surface of the Darklake is broken with stalagmites, stalactites, and columns.   This vast series of water-filled caverns lies beneath the Evermoors. Long ago, cascades and swift torrents joined these caves together as water drained down from the Evermoors to unknown depths below, but the dwarves of Ammarindar built a series of dams and locks here in order to clear a path of dry caverns for travel. These old dwarf works still function today.   The upper reaches of the Darklake are home to many strange and dangerous aquatic creatures, including scrags (aquatic trolls), kapoacinths (aquatic gargoyles), and the occasional kraken. More than one boat laden with trade goods has been lost in these waters to monstrous attacks.


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