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The world began with five gods who came from the Void, a deep space of nothingness and pure energy. Solaris, the god of light, created the sun (Solaria) and fire. Ultiara, the god of the cosmos, is warden of the Void including the stars, moons (Lustros and Kelb), and planets. Ghev is the god of life and the one who created animals and plants. Alwyh, the god of spirit, created men and gave them the ability to use spirit energy. Lurk, the betrayer of Alwyh, became the god of arcane and taught men how to use magic, corrupting men against Alwyh's influence. After a series of divine wars between Lurk and Alwyh, the Arcanite Covenant creates the Veil, a magical barrier to prevent the gods from entering Otro, and uses seven magical items placed throughout the Veil mountains, the Pepper Islands, and the Isle of Whales as beacons to the barrier.   The main source of power and the basis for all that exists is qi, or the inherent energy that everything poses. However, men and women possess the ability to manipulate their spiritual energy known as aura or qi. This grants the ability to also change the energy of the environment or even reality. Magic needs aura, but only a select few mortals, the mages, know how it is used. Many magic sects exist throughout the world, but each mage can only use two schools of magic.   The strongest among mortals are Homme Daemon, the demigods. These super humans are who make up some of the heroes of Otro. They are often vilified, however, and even murdered in some kingdoms. This is because the high level of spiritual energy these mortals possess is derived from their common ancestors: the demons. Both mortals and demons serve the Dark Lord Lurk in his bid to rule Otro and bring order to its chaos.   As the story begins, the central kingdom of the continent of Vahlos, Surany, has had two years of peace after conquering the western republic of Meridia and the northern kingdom of Uppramarch. However, the kingdom of Surany is under threat when the monastery of Alwyh, the first beacon of the Veil, is destroyed by warriors born of ash and volcanic glass: the Magmanauts. There is a threat to the Veil as more beacons and their protectors disappear or are murdered. As the Arcanite Covenant convene in the southern kingdom of Vahlos, Auxieu, our rag-tag group of heroes unwittingly embark on a crusade to stop the forces that are destroying the Veil. However, their leader is the very same individual who once served the Dark Lord: Kusari the Bound Demon.

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