Dr. Amita Sharma Character in Otherealm | World Anvil
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Dr. Amita Sharma

Dr. Amita Sharma, a formidable council member of Chimera Corp, exudes an air of shrewdness and wisdom. Her light grey hair and olive skin are a testament to her experience and the life-extending methods she has employed. Intelligent and perceptive, Amita possesses a profound understanding of people and their motivations, making her a master manipulator within the intricate webs of the organization.   As a council member, Amita's morality may be somewhat underdeveloped, a consequence of her immersion in the shadowy world of Chimera Corp. Her experiences and longevity have shown her that evolution cannot rely solely on basic biology; the magical nature of the chaotic plague has led her to explore the more mystical aspects of evolution. Recognizing the significance of magic in shaping the future of humanity, she has delved deeply into researching its origins and mechanics.   Amita's thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and she relentlessly studies all forms of magic. From well-known sources to unsavory and occult practices, she seeks to unlock the secrets that make certain species predisposed to wield magical power. Through her research, she has uncovered methods to grant herself magical abilities and augment her biological affinity for the arcane arts.   Embracing both the light and dark aspects of magic, Amita has become a skilled practitioner of various magical disciplines. Her magical prowess enhances her already formidable intellectual capabilities, allowing her to manipulate and control the energies around her. However, her mastery comes with a price, as the lines between right and wrong blur in the pursuit of power and knowledge.   As a member of the council, Amita plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Chimera Corp and its ambitions for human evolution. Her insights and understanding of magic set her apart from her peers, making her a force to be reckoned with in the organization's power struggles.   Behind her shrewd facade lies a complex individual driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and the desire to protect humanity from future threats. With her magical abilities and keen understanding of people, Amita Sharma stands as a compelling and enigmatic council member, navigating the murky waters of dark ambition and arcane secrets within the world of Chimera Corp.
Current Location
Date of Birth
21 June 95 BCE
India, Earth
grey hair often tied back. Wearing fine buttoned coats and having a pendant around her neck. Has an attitude of not beating about the bush
Grey, long, wavey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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