Scrublands Geographic Location in Other Realms | World Anvil
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A series of empty plains, filled with half-eaten and half-rotted corpses of plants and animals, stalked by thin and malnourished predators, left to hunt tiny herds of bony herbivores. In the Scrubland, situated at a conflux of the Positive Energy and Negative Energy planes, life and death constantly struggle for dominance in a battle that neither can ever win.   At the Scrublands, just enough life energy washes through the plane to allow the growth of scraggly bushes and stubby trees, which feed the few creatures that wander its plains in an ecological balance which treads a thin tightrope. But these plants and animals suffer each moment spent in the Scrublands, exhausting themselves with every movement, and aging excruciatingly quickly before turning to dust. Creatures not native to the Scrublands tend to suffer even more heavily under is debilitating effects, and travelers to this rarely-frequented land find it radically affects their chances of survival. Tales of spells dealing with healing and death simply fizzling exits, while others tell of their effects suddenly overloading. Others state that deadly blows heal in seconds, while the tiniest of wounds might prove immediately fatal with little warning.   Very little life exists naturally in the Scrublands, which is home to only a few dozen species. The larger herbivores of others planes are entirely missing, and as such there are no larger predators found either. Rodents, deer, goats, and other small fare wander the expanse of the plane feeding on the small bushes. Dingoes, bobcats, pseudodragons, and the occasional harpy are the most common predators, but all creatures found here are often rail-thin and much smaller than others of their kind. The Scrubland is not hospitable for intelligent life, and serves as a popular place for those with access to the plane to drop convicted criminals and political exiles. Many of the individuals forcibly brought here are at first grateful for what seems to be a mercy, but any life eked out in the Scrubland is often hard-fought and hard-won, and barely a life worth living at all. In the end, for many, a quick death would have been preferable to the torment found on this plane. Infinite in size, the Scrubland stretches in all directions no matter how far a creature wanders, apparently totally disconnected from any other plane except by powerful magic.

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