Phalanx Leader Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Phalanx Leader

Though it was the polis of Akros that invented the phalanx technique, its use has spread across all of Theros, as the go to method of fighting for light infantry. Combining a heavy shield, light armor, and the long reach of a spear allows for a style of fighting that is hard to overcome.    And while every army now has some number of dedicated phalanx fighters, the Akroans remain the undisputed masters of its use in combat. In part this is due to the fact that the Akroans train every soldier that sets foot onto their battlefield in its use. And in part it is due to the strong relationships the Akroan phalanx infantry form with their leaders, and the willingness of the Akroan army to foster these bonds for morale.    Lead the Troops Akroan soldiers, particularly their phalanx fighters, are fond of saying that being assigned a squad to work with is like being assigned a new family, with a parent included. The idea is not far from the truth, as an Akroan soldier, especially a phalanx fighter, might spend the majority of their days living and training alongside their allies. And the leader of each group is expected to watch over them, bringing even the weakest links in the chain up to the level with the rest.    Phalanx leaders do this by treating the soldiers under their command as their actual family, setting aside all other concerns in the pursuit of making sure they're the best they can be. When a phalanx leader is chosen, it isn't enough to be strong. Leaders are only chosen from those who display total commitment, strength of character, and an innate ability to get others to trust them.      Phalanx Leader

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