Norin the Wary Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Norin the Wary

The man known as Norin the Wary was a cunning warrior, who lived in the period of Dominarian history known as The Dark. After the ecologically devastating Brothers' War magic was outlawed, the climate began to cool, and resource grew more and more scarce.   Like many, Norin attempted to survive by plundering the magical ruins left behind by the brothers Urza and Mishra, as well as the magically advanced civilizations that had fallen or been conquered in the years after the war. However, Norin's place in history would ultimately be cemented by his complete and utter cowardice, combined with razor-sharp wit.    Too Sacred to Live Norin lived as a citizen of a small country whose entire rise and fall fit into the roughly 400 years that marked the period of the Dark. Norin's people built a home on the ruins of a previous kingdom, one of the first to fall after the cataclysm of the Sylex Blast. Norin's parents were but junk drivers, warriors, and adventures who explored the abandoned ruins of the kingdom to search for scrap and magical items to sell, and both lost their lives shortly after Norins birth.    Norin was raised by his aunt and uncle, farmers who stressed to Norin the dangers of the world away from the comfort of their walled village. These constant warnings, along with yearly stories of the death of his parents and other junk drivers, left Norin constantly terrified of any danger, real or perceived. Norin grew up determined to be only a simple farmer and to spend his whole life in the confines of his childhood village.    Too Scared to Die In spite of his desires, Norin found himself pushed into the same junk driver lifestyle as his deceased parents. Finding themselves short on cash and unable to grow enough to make the difference, due to the cooling climate, Norn and his family had no choice but to sign Norin up as a junk driver.    In time, Norin would see some success in this venture. Ever a coward, Norin rarely ventured out alone, and when he did, preferred to stick to ruins that had already been almost entirely mapped, or ruins he'd preciously visited and mapped himself. In groups, Norin almost exclusively stuck to the back, barely able to control himself from fleeing entirely when his parties would encounter danger. In safer ruins, his lack of risk meant Norin was left the fewest and least valuable baubles. But in the deeper, more dangerous ruins, Norin would often find himself one of only a few to survive through to the end, allowing him an incredibly large split of the treasure.    Despite his lack of riches, Norin's safeguards and caution allowed him to live a full and comfortable life, though he had only saved enough to retire by the time he was much older. While he rarely made an impression as a junk diver, Norin's numerous observations, comments, and records left him a lasting legacy, and even in the current age, the books made from his journals can be purchased almost anywhere.      Norin the Wary

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