False Orders Spell in Other Realms | World Anvil
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False Orders (Fervent Strike)

When you cast this spell, choose a target in range that an ally is making an attack against. You bark out a quick set of orders, forcing the target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, your ally gains advantage on their attack roll, and the target loses any benefits against the attack gained from wielding a shield or taking the dodge action.  
1st Level Enchantment
Casting Time 1 reaction, taken when an ally makes an attack
Range 30 ft.
Components Vocal Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Bard Sorcerer
  False Orders


On a failed save, your ally gains advantage on their attack roll, and the target loses any benefits against the attack gained from wielding a shield or taking the dodge action.


You bark out a quick set of orders, forcing the target to make a Charisma saving throw.


Class Source
Bard Learned
Sorcerer Innate/Bloodline 
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 reaction, taken when an ally makes an attack
30 feet

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