Black Knight Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Black Knight

Tales of Black Knights abound in the legends of all parts of all realms, taking various shapes as they do so, but each coming down to a single idea. A worth and admirable protector, turned to the side of evil by corrupting influences, either from within, or without. The idea of a black knight has captured the imagination of bard going back centuries, often making it hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to tales of historical black knights.   Combative Personality Despite popular belief, most black knights are not truly evil at heart. In order to give oneself to the path of a black knight, the only requirement is a true love of combat in all its forms. A black knight, above all else, values combat for the sake of combat alone. It is true that many black knights also crave power, or delight in the existential power of death, but these are traits found in many people. But all true black knights relish a good and challenging fight. A black knight prefers to engage in hand-to-hand combat whenever possible, but such fights are not often to be found, and they are thoroughly trained in all the weapons of warfare. Most black knights also ride a mount of some sort, giving rise to the classic storybook image of black armor on a black warhorse, but black knights rarely engage in mounted combat. For most, the use of a lance can be seen equally as impersonal as fighting from range, lacking the luster of true combat; obviously not all stay true to this belief however. Those that are willing to fight upon the back of a mount, armed with a lance, often prove to be far deadlier foes.   In Dark Company Black knights rarely work in groups, their desire for challenging combat often pitting them against each other before their plans can bear fruit, but organized guilds of them are known to exist is some places. The command structure of such alliances varies between two extremes. On one side there is extreme rigidity, with each member given a defined rank and purpose, and movement possible only through challenging superior members to one-on-one combat and coming away victorious. In these guilds, leadership can often fall to the shoulders of a long individual for decades, before suddenly being replaced overnight when the previous leader is defeated by someone younger, stronger, and more willful. On the other hand are guilds in which there is little, in any, organization at all. In these guilds, each member is given an equal say and equal share, no matter the level of combat prowess a knight may possess. Instead, when disputes arise in the decision-making process, the knights may challenge each other in combat to prove the superiority of their choice. No matter the organizational style, even long-term guilds of black knights are capable of sudden collapse when disputes between members exceed personal combat, and begin to cause fundamental schisms in the membership of a guild. Tales exist of even centuries of establishments having suddenly collapsed when the members turned to bloody infighting over disputes both minor and major.   As Tradition Dictates A black knight does not always dress in black, is not always found mounted upon a dark steed with eyes of red, and most black knights are nothing but mere men well-versed in the art of combat. But the traditional dark color, as well as their ill reputation, come from the oldest known black knights. These beings were aid to have been knights who so loved combat, that they made unbreakable blood pacts with devils and foul creatures of darkness. These knights sold their souls in return for an extended lifetime of combat, a never ending contest of strength against each new generation. These original black knights also came away from their dark rituals with power that few others could match, championing the cause of wicked patrons while spreading death and decay wherever they went. The beings who signed these bargains, their lust for combat leading them trade away their humanity, are said to still somewhere wander the world. While a few most certainly lie in the depths of the Nine Hells, their everlasting souls condemned to fight for the pleasure of their masters, some no doubt still wander their homelands to this day. These beings are left with naught but to seek ever stronger challengers, fighting battle after battle, soon to join their hell-trapped brethren when at last a foe mightier than them spills the life from their ancient veins.  

Black Knight

Tales of Black Knights abound in the legends of all parts of all realms, taking various shapes as they do so, but each coming down to a single idea. A worth and admirable protector, turned to the side of evil by corrupting influences, either from within, or without. The idea of a black knight has captured the imagination of bard going back centuries, often making it hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to tales of historical black knights.

Armor Class18 (chain mail)
Hit Points 12d8+24
Speed30 ft.
Strength17 (+3)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution15 (+2)
Intelligence11 (+0)
Wisdom11 (+0)
Charisma12 (+1)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+5
SkillsIntimidation d20+3 Perception d20+2
Damage ImmunitiesRadiant
SensesPassive Perception 12
LanguagesCommonAny one other
Challenge3 (700 XP)
Special 1Dark ProtectionThe black knight is immune to radiant damageand has an advantage on saving throws
made to resist spell cast by clerics or paladins
Special 2First StrikeThe black knight has an advantageon the first attack roll it makes on each of its turns
Action 1MultiattackThe black knight may make two attackswith its longsword or one attack with its longsword,
and one attack with its crossbow
Action 2LongswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+3 slashing damage 1d8+3 slashing damage if wielded with two hands
Action 3Heavy CrossbowRanged Weapon Attack d20+2 to hit
180/400, one targetHit 1d10 piercing damage

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