where would you like to go? in Oschata | World Anvil
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where would you like to go?

To Aschmerag and it’s thousands of islands in the ocean that got created out of a giant landmass because during a war back in time, where villages connect the ocean with the land.

Why not to Azag and it’s beautiful tropical markets and bazars, where the sea curls like a river through the land and cities meander with the giant sea-river.

Maybe to Chomag and visit the giant jungle that hugs the bay where the ocean comes to an end and where cities are one with the plant life.

Or to Knasacher where the mechanical cities inside of the big canyon system stretch almost through the entire continent.

Maybe the beautiful farm fields of Kroschp where the wind of the sea dances over the flatland. Farmsteads and Villages care about the food grown here.

Or maybe to Lamerap and it’s dungeon mazes inside of the mountain chain of another country, where villages snail along and inside the mountains and even on the cliffs.

How about Makumer, where dry grassland but also breathtaking giant trees cover the country and villages and towns are home to humans and animals.

What about Ochaper, giant mountain peaks whose origin is hidden from the clouds that hide the island below, where even the sky is the home of cities that fly over the ocean.

Or to Piknirer and it’s snowy forest, ice covered sea and sugar coded mountains. Towns and villages spread from the sea inwards top the snowy forests and are the warm refuge from the cold weather.

Maybe to the forests of Porekan that stretch over hills and mountains, where big castles piek over the trees higher than most hills.

Or maybe to Rakscher where mountains majestically cover half of the country but downwards slowly become hills that carry rivers and lakes where the sun sparkles and shines down to the seemingly endless giant cities.

Why not to Schachkop and it’s endless deserts and oases, where the cities come to live at night and have festivals that are loved by all, where the sun is the night and the moon the day.

Maybe rather to Schlagmer, where cities and metropoles glide down from the mountains towards the sea, where giant bridges and harbors connect the lands far away, where the sea crashes against the coast.

A short trip to Sik won’t hurt, it may be only ice and water but the landscape is still stunning and the water holds life none the less in the cities under the water surface.

Or what about Sorekerpan where mountains are touching the sky, where the mountains divide countries that can be looked down at from above. Where only the strongest plants can grow but the villages and towns still house life here.

Or to Sukap, the forests covered in fog, where light rarely touches the ground and glowing cities in the trees are home of many humans and animals.

Or maybe Tumikum, the place where travel has reached it’s highest potential. Not only were cities build along the cliffs and over the sea but also trains, flying and swimming ships and much more gather here and travel across the planet from here.

Maybe visit Yilkether where the precious plants, old statues of legends and villages are sprad all over the highland.

You must visit Zakalye, where the ocean is home to sailors and life under the water. Few islands but the endless ocean is your home here.

Or try Zusuknap, here is the metropole of Oschata, the giant city that covers the coast, inland and stretches as far as the eye can see.

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