Mondwell Settlement in Orywall | World Anvil
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While not being as expensive or busy as Tottenham , Mondwell has become a common place to live in Utraria, with a rich history and vibrant scenery. The natives may seem rude to newcomers or traveling adventurers, it's otherwise a beautiful city. Its popularity with magicians and arcanists has lead it close to ruins more than once, Mondwell has managed to rebuild itself from next to nothing more than once.


Although Mondwell is diverse, primarily high and wood elves make their home here, with quite a few halflings, half-elves, and humans. The city's inhabitants are generally middle-class, with a high percentage of artisans, farmers, sorcerers, and wizards.


Two factions war openly for control of the city, an order of sorcerers and arcanists, and several powerful sorcerers. The outcomes of this are often catastrophic, but it has become normal for the inhabitants.


From high and thick stone walls, to raised bridges and a moat, Mondwell is well protected and safe from outsiders. While most of its army is borrowed from Tottenham's, they've found little to no need for the military, and have smaller, local guards, and a team of pikemen to get the job done. Their city is filled with inhabitants who can protect themselves if needed.

Industry & Trade

Mondwell has a plethora of intelligent magicians, and in addition to this, they have plenty of talented artisans that specialize in painting, pottery, and plentiful other hands-on crafts, farmers who grow crops in the rich soil, and fishers who bring in large catches from the nearby river.



  • Ancient artifacts.
  • Gold.
  • Fine wine.


  • Hops.
  • Locally grown food.
  • Magic items.


The city uses a variety of stone-types, but seems to favor stone bricks, although quartzite and granite are used to strengthen their bridge piers. The inhabitants enjoy decorating the outside of their houses with intrusive plants, such as vines.

Approximately 8300.
Inhabitant Demonym

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