Famjir Character in Orywall | World Anvil
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Quick to anger, the goddess of fire, strategy, and war is respected and worshiped by many in Orywall. From adventurers, pyromaniac spellcasters, mercenaries, guards, the military, etc., a wide span of mortals follow her tenets. Although she has a hot-blooded temperament, Famjir is the most capable, standing out from the rest of The Fifteen due to her quick wit. She has a slight appreciation for those in Orywall, although she doesn't understand why they'd go to war over the smallest of territory, she finds them entertaining.

Divine Domains

Fire, Strategy, and War.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Emeralds, and a shield surrounded by burning embers.

Tenets of Faith

Famjir's tenets follow Unearthed Arcana's War Paladins


Drive Them Before You. Your enemies will fear you, or they will learn to.

Blood and Thunder. Your comrades in arms love seeing you on the battlefield, you alone can turn the tide and save their lives.

Preserve the Innocent. Even though you are a master of war and bringer of battle. War must always be the last option, never bring it without cause.

No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.

Divine Classification
A pupiless, jet black.
Short and spiky, A flickering persimmon orange, like that of a fire.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flowing, crimson aura. While her human form is long lost to history, she is now a walking body of flames.

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