Aclous Character in Orywall | World Anvil
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The god of ocean and sands, Aclous is destructive and unforgiving, often worshiped by those who travel the seas. He holds a grudge against all in the Material Plane, considering them to be ignorant and a negative impediment against the natures of the world.

Divine Domains

Ocean and Sands.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Opal, and a circle with two fish.

Tenets of Faith

No forgiveness. Mortals that go against the laws of your plane are stuck in their ways, as those who they’ve effected negatively will forever be haunted. Crush those who vow to bring destruction and despair to this world, do not fall for their pleads of mercy.


Preserve nature. The ocean is of upmost importance, it must be treated with high respect. Sacrifices must be made by those who wish to traverse it, and you musn’t consume the fish within.


Courage. Do not act cowardly, although caution is wise.

Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral/Evil
A dark, black abyss, recollecting in mind the depths of an ocean.
Long and unruly, a Prussian blue.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His body, while humanoid, seems to be made entirely of salt water.

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