Sir Winston Jacobson, Esq, Character in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Sir Winston Jacobson, Esq,

Sir Winston Jacobson, Esq.

Sir Winston Jacobson, Esq. is the founder and leader of the Havenport Geographical Foundation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Winston Jacobson Esq. (born Winston Jacobson) was born into a noble family in the Old World, in the last century of Striith's Discordance. He attended several prestigious universities in his youth quickly became one of the foremost cartographers in the Old World. Upon hearing of the discovery of the New World, he jumped at the opportunity to chart an unknown land.

Upon arrival to the New World, however, he quickly realized that the New World was too vast for just one team to survey. He founded the Havenport Geographical Foundation to mitigate this problem, and quickly became one of the most influential people in Havenport, due to the vast array of knowledge of the New World that he accrued.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the original founders of Havenport. He has come to regret that decision, and wishes that Havenport was more stable.

Personality Characteristics


There's more to Sir Winston Jacobson Esq. than meets the eye. He's devoted a lot of resources to mapping the Reckless Archipelago, to the exclusion of most other areas of the New World, and no one's quite sure why.

Likes & Dislikes

Sir Winston Jacobson Esq. currently has a love-hate relationship with adventurers. He likes them because they tend to be very good at the jobs he hires them for, but he dislikes them because they abuse loopholes to try and extract extra gold from him. He's switched to using written contracts to mitigate this problem.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of the Havenport Geographical Foundation
Year of Birth
98 SD 273 Years old
Current Residence
Havenport Geographical Foundation Outpost 1, Reckless Archipelago
White, bushy, and unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unknown. It can't be seen beneath his hair.
150 lb
Aligned Organization

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