Session 4: Investigating the Ghost Ship Report Report in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Session 4: Investigating the Ghost Ship Report

General Summary

The party was hired to investigate a ghost ship that wandered into Havenport waters. Main deck: nothing deadly, just officer's quarters. Belowdecks: cargo hold, filled with construction supplies, fought a banshee. Secret Belowdecks: Filled with all manner of traps and surprises. Fought a water elemental, almost fought 3 polar bears but managed to successfully scare them into submission.

Rewards Granted

Annoying talking sword. Lantern of Revealing Goggles of Night Vision A ship (not intentionally)

Character(s) interacted with

Managed to bring back the pirate captain into the story. Kudos for that. Also managed to royally piss off the Havenport Geographical Foundation.
Level 6 Goliath LN Barbarian
/ 75 HP
Report Date
30 Sep 2019
Primary Location

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